
Chiara Camoni

Piacenza 1974

Lives in Giustagnana


Chiara Camoni’s works are created from objets trouvés or natural materials that are used in a collective process mostly with a sorority authorship. Camoni’s almost craft-like approach involves numerous people in the production of artworks around which temporary communities are formed for spatial, emotional and spiritual sharing. Through observation and learning, the artist seems to respond to the need of form to come into the world.

Kabira is the sculpture of a large black horse created in 2009 together with the participants in the workshop held by the artist at the Carlo Zauli Museum in Faenza. The long necklaces of black clay modelled and placed on the wooden structures shape a form that is both a rereading of a symbol of art such as the equestrian monument and a physical shelter. A closer relationship between the artwork and the body of the visitor is implicit in Untitled (una tenda) (A Tent, 2019), a hut made of silk cloths on which a natural printing process has taken place, through the dyeing properties of herbs and wildflowers.


Chiara Camoni, installation view, 2020 Art Quadriennale FUORI

Photo DSL Studio


Chiara Camoni, installation view, 2020 Art Quadriennale FUORI

Photo DSL Studio