Bruna Esposito
Rome 1960
Lives in Rome
The dialogue between the artwork and nature is central in Bruna Esposito’s ouvre, which is not only visual, but also sensorial. In the mid 1980s, while in Berlin, the artist designed a public dry toilet, namely a toilet without flush water for the expulsion of excrements. The toilet, which resembles a greenhouse, stimulates a reflection on the use of waste and its transformation into nourishment, establishing a strong connection with contemporary ecological thinking. The human body is inserted in the nature that it contributes to feeding, regaining its position of dynamic balance with the ecosystem.
The Berlin version was never built, while the work was built according to a new design for the Istanbul Biennale of 2003, of which FUORI presents three sketches. The luscious public toilets appear as dream-like oases inside squares or parks, incarnating an environmental sensitivity still today perceived as necessary.